Thursday, August 30, 2012

Blessing the Teachers

This afternoon was really exciting!  I mentioned in an earlier post about all the school supplies that we brought from the US.  Well, today we got to give it all to the teachers, and they were very excited to receive it all.  I was once again just so thankful for all the teachers at Beaufort Elementary, who so generously donated so many wonderful things for the orphan school here.  On the whole there aren’t very many materials for the teachers and students, so having all these incredible teaching materials is such a blessing!

We had a meeting with the head teacher yesterday to figure out exactly what Susanna and I will be doing over the next three months.  We decided that I will teach English in the 2nd and 3rd grade classes and she’ll teach math.  Due to a cholera outbreak in our region, the start date for school is pushed back till September 10, but then we’ll be off and running!  We will have one week to observe the teachers and get to know the students, the language, and a bit more of the culture before we dive into teaching ourselves. 
Susanna and me with all the clocks!  If nothing else these kids are going to be able to tell time before we leave!
One thing I learned today is that twice a month the teachers go out to the town and surrounding villages to visit the children in their homes.  While all of the students are orphans, they still live with extended families.  What a ministry this is in itself that the teachers would take the time to visit and pray for these kids and their relatives!  Susanna and I will get to go out with everyone on Saturday to meet some of the children, and I’m really looking forward to it!  I’m sure I will have lots to post about when we get back!

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