Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Home Away From Home

For the most part, during our four years living overseas I stayed too busy to get too homesick.  There was always one thing that I missed though, and that was spending time with my amazing mother-in-law (whom I lovingly refer to as Mrs. Mom.)  Some of my best memories of home were lazy Sunday afternoons at the Steward's drinking mint tea and chatting with her.

I'm blessed to say that I have the most amazing, godly in-laws a girl could ask for.  I know a lot of people who prayed for good husbands, but beyond that I always prayed for a good family to marry into, and God certainly blessed me in that area.  I think a lot of who I am now is due to the guidance and love from Mrs. Mom.  She has taught me so much and encouraged my faith, and I will forever be grateful for her and thankful that I can call her family.

One way in particular that I want to be like Mrs. Mom is in the realm of hospitality.  For as long as I've known the Stewards (since before I was one) their home has always been open to friends and family from all over.  Seeing this kind of ministry in action has been a blessing to me because it has given me a basis for the kind of home I want to establish (or in our case multiple homes.)  I want our doors to always be open and our welcome mat to be well worn.  I want our home to be a place of refuge and refreshment; a place where the name of Jesus is worshiped and the presence of God felt. The best part about creating a home like that is it doesn't matter how big a house we have or how many nice things we have to fill it.  It is a matter of following Christ and being willing to serve others humbly in His name.  Thankfully love doesn't come with a price tag.

I believe opening your home to others is a wonderful way to minister to them and show them the love of Christ in a very tangible way.  There is a scriptural basis for the practice of hospitality as in Hebrews 13:2 which says, "Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it."  Christ intended for us to pour into others as He has poured into us.  We are truly blessed when we are in the business of blessing others!


  1. Hopefully you will make friends quickly and be able to host many events! Thank you for opening your home up to us in August!

  2. Emily we're so excited to host you guys! It will be a really fun reunion after more than a year apart!
