Overall this has been an easy pregnancy. (Friends who've had it rough please don't hate me!) Prior to getting pregnant I was convinced that I would spend nine months in misery basically wanting to die, but it's actually been quite pleasant. I'm currently 23 weeks along and everything is progressing normally. We've gotten to see the baby at every appointment, usually with a handheld ultrasound, so no printouts, but it's been fun to see him grow each month! It's hard to believe how quickly the time is going, and he'll be here before we know it!
Last week we received a package from John and Sarah, our dear friends in Okinawa (and future missions partners). In it were tons of adorable baby clothes, books, and even and Engrish shirt to remind us of our incredible years in Japan. (If you are unfamiliar with Engrish you should check it out.) As I held up each little onesie I tried to imagine the child that will be wearing it in a few short months. Honestly it still seems a bit too good to be true that we're actually having a baby!
Recently I've started to feel him move a lot more, and in fact there are some nights it feels like he's practicing parkour in there. He seems to be most active when I'm trying to fall asleep, which I suppose is his sweet little way of preparing me for what's to come. (How thoughtful of him!)
I've had lots of friends ask if I've started getting the nursery ready, and I feel a little guilty every time. I can barely bring myself to go into the office (aka: the pit of despair) that will eventually be the nursery. It's become our catch-all room, and I don't even know where to begin. As something of an organizational freak, this is quite embarrassing to admit. I keep telling myself there's plenty of time...
You should ask Jessica to help, you know she loves to organize. =]
ReplyDelete"Nesting" should be kicking in soon. In decorating the nursery, do you have a theme in mind? When you decide to start, let me know. You invite the workers and I'll bring over a pot of chili. Hugs!!!