This week our community group spent some time studying Ezekiel 16 and Hosea 1-3. These chapters are an analogy of the nation of Israel prostituting themselves to other nations and gods. The verses we read detail how God rescued them from the hands of their enemies and poured out wondrous blessings on them, yet his chosen people still turned their backs on Him.
Sadly, these verses apply to us today. God has rescued and redeemed us from a life of sin and death, and has blessed us beyond our wildest imaginings, yet we still continually choose what the world has to offer over what God has so freely given us. I can't seem to reconcile this in my mind; how is it that we can experience God in all his goodness and faithfulness, and still think that there is something out there that's better?
We read in scripture that God is a jealous God (Exodus 34:14), not because he's jealous in a worldly sense, but because He knows that He is as good as it gets. In Him alone is perfection and fullness. He loves us enough to want to give us what is absolutely best for us, and that is Himself. So when we, like the prostitute in Ezekiel and Hosea, give ourselves to the world, it breaks God's heart.
What is inconceivable to me is how we can experience God's goodness and still want more. While God has saved us from our sins, we still live in a sinful world, and are able to be blinded by worldly temptations. It's as if, when we were saved, a veil was lifted from our eyes, but there remains a shroud over us that keeps us from fully experiencing and seeing God face to face. First Corinthians 13:12 says, "Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." This verse gives me incredible hope, because it is a reminder that there is so much more to come. God isn't through revealing himself to us, and it will be in Heaven where we see him face to face and fully understand his glory. While on this earth I won't fully comprehend who God is or even grasp His goodness, but there will be a time when the veil is finally lifted and my mind will not be darkened any longer. As I look forward to that day I want to continue seeking God's face now so I can understand that nothing this world has to offer can compare to the riches my heavenly Father has for me!
Sadly, these verses apply to us today. God has rescued and redeemed us from a life of sin and death, and has blessed us beyond our wildest imaginings, yet we still continually choose what the world has to offer over what God has so freely given us. I can't seem to reconcile this in my mind; how is it that we can experience God in all his goodness and faithfulness, and still think that there is something out there that's better?
We read in scripture that God is a jealous God (Exodus 34:14), not because he's jealous in a worldly sense, but because He knows that He is as good as it gets. In Him alone is perfection and fullness. He loves us enough to want to give us what is absolutely best for us, and that is Himself. So when we, like the prostitute in Ezekiel and Hosea, give ourselves to the world, it breaks God's heart.
What is inconceivable to me is how we can experience God's goodness and still want more. While God has saved us from our sins, we still live in a sinful world, and are able to be blinded by worldly temptations. It's as if, when we were saved, a veil was lifted from our eyes, but there remains a shroud over us that keeps us from fully experiencing and seeing God face to face. First Corinthians 13:12 says, "Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." This verse gives me incredible hope, because it is a reminder that there is so much more to come. God isn't through revealing himself to us, and it will be in Heaven where we see him face to face and fully understand his glory. While on this earth I won't fully comprehend who God is or even grasp His goodness, but there will be a time when the veil is finally lifted and my mind will not be darkened any longer. As I look forward to that day I want to continue seeking God's face now so I can understand that nothing this world has to offer can compare to the riches my heavenly Father has for me!
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