Today I was thinking about what the world would be like if more people adopted the notion of lagom. Not necessarily in the sense that they don't care to be good at what they do, but in the sense that they are satisfied with what they have; that they are content with just enough. Part of the reason lagom seems to foreign to us is because it is contrary to the American Dream, and idea that endorses constantly striving for more. We're brought up believing that more is better, and this makes it rather hard to be satisfied with what we do have. In the constant struggle for more we rarely take on a grateful attitude. Not only that, but we often miss out on the one thing that really is enough for us.
Paul writes to the Philippians in 4:11-13 saying, "I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Here Paul makes it clear that it is possible to be content even when we are lacking in material wealth. What bring true contentment is knowing Christ.
Please understand that I think it it wonderful to enjoy God's blessings, whether material or otherwise. God has blessed us richly in many ways, and we are grateful for those blessings! But let us remember that even if all the material things of the world were stripped away, Christ alone is still sufficient for us. When we have Christ in our lives we truly have all we could ever need. He is enough! As someone who tries hard to follow Christ I want my life to be a continual demonstration of this fact. I do not need more stuff to fill any void in my life, because I have the ever-present, completely satisfying love of Jesus!
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