Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Letter from a Disgruntled Teaching Assistant

Dear Old, Crusty, Burned out Teacher who Should have Retired Years Ago,

  Hi, I know you don't know me, but I have a bone to pick with you.  I just spent 2 1/2 years working my butt off in graduate school to become a teacher, and now that I at long last have my certification, there are NO teaching positions available.  Would you like to know why there are no teaching jobs Mrs. Crusty?  Because teachers like you refuse to just quit already!  Admit it, you don't have the drive to teach like you did 100 years ago.  In fact, you don't even like kids anymore!  You've been teaching the same grade level forever, and nothing about the way you teach has changed since you first started.  You still use a chalkboard and have all the desks in rows for crying out loud! 

Why are you taking up valuable classroom space when fresh, bright-eyed teachers like me could take your place?  I actually like children, and unlike you I have something to offer them that you seem to have given up on long ago.  I have creative ideas that would get kids to love learning!  My classroom would be a fun place to be where students feel welcomed and loved!  I have the motivation to work late nights and weekends planning lessons that are fun and engaging.  When was the last time you stayed late?  When was the last time one of your lessons was actually fun?

  Face it, you had your turn at the chalkboard, and now it's time to clean the apples off your teacher's desk and make room for some new blood in your school.  Trust me, your students will appreciate it.  And so will I.


A New Teacher who is Tired of Waiting on the Sidelines  

1 comment:

  1. I hope you find a teaching position soon, Beth! Your love for children is evident in everyday activities. We've noticed, from personal experience, too many "crusty teachers" are only in their job for the money. It hurts kids and parents alike. Nobody wants to see their child cry on the way to school everyday. Thanks for being a light in the world, hopefully you can revive some burned out hearts by being the example. You'll be in my prayers! :)
    Angie Kasuske
