Friday, October 7, 2011

Book Review: Spectacular Sins and Their Global Purpose in the Glory of Christ by John Piper

Don't be fooled by the small size of this book; it packs a powerful punch.  In Spectacular Sins and Their Global Purpose in the Glory of Christ  John Piper tackles some tough questions about why God allows evil to enter the world and how the sins of man do in fact glorify God.  Though we can't always understand why God plans or allows certain things, we do know that God alone is sovereign over everything even that which is evil.  When we see sin at work in the lives of men and women throughout history and today, we know that not only is God in control, but he is able to bring glory to himself through it.  Everything that happens is part of God's plan for His creation.  Too often we try to look through a microscope, zoomed in on one little piece of history, but if we were to zoom out to see the whole picture, we would understand that God orchestrates everything according to his plan.  Everything comes together for the glory of Jesus Christ.

Piper lays the foundation for the need for Christians to have a solid, Biblical worldview.  He says, "Christians in the West are weakened by wimpy worldviews.  And wimpy worldviews make wimpy Christians."  Though we might live in relative peace right now, the tide will eventually turn.  Second Timothy 3:12 says, "All who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted."  Acts 13:22 promises that, "Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God."  Worldviews that put our comfort and safety as the headline will not sustain us when we face real trials for our faith.  Piper puts it this way, "Coddled people will not be good listeners when their world collapses."

The book goes through six "spectacular sins" from the fall of man to the horrific murder of Christ on the cross.  Piper explains and gives Biblical evidence for the sovereignty of God in each of these examples, and shows how, through sin, God's glory is achieved and his global purposes realized.

Piper is an excellent author and is able to communicate clearly and with wisdom.  The ideas presented in this book are ones that aren't often preached in today's churches, but are Biblical truths that must be studied and understood.  God's people must be prepared to face the great evils of this world and stand ready to defend their faith, because in the end, God alone will be standing in victory over sin!   

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