Monday, February 27, 2012

Carseats and the Sovereignty of God

I believe wholeheartedly in the sovereignty of God.  That is, God is in control over everything and is all-knowing, and all-powerful.  We do have free will, yes, but God knows each decision we will make and the outcomes of those decisions.  Proverbs 16:9 says, "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."  I believe that God's hand is in every aspect of our lives, and is actively involved in what we do on a day-to-day basis.  Even in small and seemingly insignificant things like installing carseats.

A couple days ago I picked up my friends' two boys from school.  Not being a mom myself and having very little knowledge of how to install a carseat, it took me quite awhile to get them strapped into my car and ready to go.  On our way home we ran into some bad traffic due to a horrible car accident that had taken place probably just minutes before we arrived at the intersection.  I found out later that a man had stolen a fire truck (seriously?!) and had caused three major accidents in Beaufort, one that proved to be fatal.

I thought about what a terrifying scene it would have been had we been there.  And then I realized how easily it could have been us in that accident.  It might seem crazy, but had I known exactly how to strap in those crazy carseats, it might have been us being hauled away in the ambulance.  It is in instances like this that I believe God's hand is upon us, orchestrating our steps.  I believe that Paul's words are true when he says, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."  (Romans 8:28)  This doesn't mean that bad things never happen to Christians.  We cannot understand all of God's purposes, and sometimes what we see as devastating is really being used for our good in the end.  We cannot see the whole tapestry from the viewpoint of God; all we can see are individual threads.  But even in the darkest moments of our lives, God weaves something beautiful that we will only understand from the other side of eternity.

God is sovereign over both life and death.  He is sovereign even over the struggles and difficulties we face.  Many times we endure hardships so that our faith is refined and we learn to depend on God even more.  James writes that we should consider it joy to be tested in our faith, "because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance." (James 1:3)   Nothing ever surprises God, even though it may surprise us.  There is a plan for each of us, and God is ultimately in control over every aspect of it.  He alone knows every detail of our lives, and the timing of everything.  It is comforting to know that my life is in the hands of my creator, and I can trust in his sovereignty, even when it comes to strapping in a carseat.

1 comment:

  1. Great reminder, Thanks Beth!! I didn't hear about the firetruck kidnapping!! Glad you weren't a pro at car seat installment. Praising God!!!
